I believe that I have found a new addiction to have that will not cost me a penny. It can probably make me some penny if I do it right. However if I am not careful it can create for me some difficulties that I am choosing not to have. It all started when I decided to go back to school to get my associate degree back in Chicago in 2008. Part of my homework assignments call for me to do some research on various things. I graduate with an Associate to move on to start working on getting my Bachelors, and then there were more things I had to start researching for. My research started to expand beyond homework and into new interests that were slowly being developed. From food, to wine, getting out and about around Chicago and into watching Korea soap dramas. But then I moved to Milwaukee where my research came all about getting around this small town. Yes I did say small town because that are less than 700,000 people living coming after living in Istanbul, Turkey with a population of 14.3 million people and Chicago with a population of 2.72 million people.
Here in Milwaukee I find myself research about the history of the city as the culture that once exist here before coming to where we are now. Reviewing the restaurants are a must especially since I found a place that will delivery ice cream; yes, ice cream! (Thanks Pizza Shuttle!) Watching the local news has provided some interesting bits for my to do some research on; the Milwaukee name itself has been interesting upon looking up. And I would encourage everyone to take the time out to really good to know what is in your neighborhood, city, state, and country.
I am learning that the more research that I do the more things I am learning about, even though most of it has no interest to me, however it is always good to know some things. I usually don't care for cars but lately I find myself getting excited over them. I also get excited about researching major companies like Samsung (huge fan here!), Rolls Royce, and Jeremy Clark of Top Gear (him of all people!). When I am on Google+ chatting with other members about various things especially about IT relate things, I always say that I recommend that they do the research to see what they find.
Now my job, I am not an news anchor or scientist however I do feel that by doing the research on various things, even on those subjects that have no interest to neither you or I, however it could be very beneficial to us in the long run. I think that men in particular should do extra research on women since they are often confused by us. (Sidebar: being a woman does have it benefits and I love them!)
In fact I think that before some people open their months and say something that they have not otherwise say (and this would include me from time to time) should do some research first and keep their mouths closed later. Because we live in a society where the information is right at our finger tips and some of us are choosing not the gather that information up to make us stronger. What is the old cliche, "A mind is a trouble thing to waste!' and yet there are some of us who are literally refusing to use that very beautiful gift, are wasting our own mind. But then again there are some who believe that they are full of accurate knowledge! Right! It is called tunnel vision, break it so you can see the bigger picture here dum dum! But then again there are those who do not have common sense and think that they are geniuses, right! And there we go with that damn tunnel vision. That is what leads to ignorance and non tolerance of others' behavior and inexcusable social behavior.
So as I continue to do research for work and for school, I vase knowledge of whatever can be good for me and terrifying for my family. Why? because they want me to be done with school already! Hahahaha . . . . maybe NEVER!! There is simply too many things to be learned.
Here in Milwaukee I find myself research about the history of the city as the culture that once exist here before coming to where we are now. Reviewing the restaurants are a must especially since I found a place that will delivery ice cream; yes, ice cream! (Thanks Pizza Shuttle!) Watching the local news has provided some interesting bits for my to do some research on; the Milwaukee name itself has been interesting upon looking up. And I would encourage everyone to take the time out to really good to know what is in your neighborhood, city, state, and country.
I am learning that the more research that I do the more things I am learning about, even though most of it has no interest to me, however it is always good to know some things. I usually don't care for cars but lately I find myself getting excited over them. I also get excited about researching major companies like Samsung (huge fan here!), Rolls Royce, and Jeremy Clark of Top Gear (him of all people!). When I am on Google+ chatting with other members about various things especially about IT relate things, I always say that I recommend that they do the research to see what they find.
Now my job, I am not an news anchor or scientist however I do feel that by doing the research on various things, even on those subjects that have no interest to neither you or I, however it could be very beneficial to us in the long run. I think that men in particular should do extra research on women since they are often confused by us. (Sidebar: being a woman does have it benefits and I love them!)
In fact I think that before some people open their months and say something that they have not otherwise say (and this would include me from time to time) should do some research first and keep their mouths closed later. Because we live in a society where the information is right at our finger tips and some of us are choosing not the gather that information up to make us stronger. What is the old cliche, "A mind is a trouble thing to waste!' and yet there are some of us who are literally refusing to use that very beautiful gift, are wasting our own mind. But then again there are some who believe that they are full of accurate knowledge! Right! It is called tunnel vision, break it so you can see the bigger picture here dum dum! But then again there are those who do not have common sense and think that they are geniuses, right! And there we go with that damn tunnel vision. That is what leads to ignorance and non tolerance of others' behavior and inexcusable social behavior.
So as I continue to do research for work and for school, I vase knowledge of whatever can be good for me and terrifying for my family. Why? because they want me to be done with school already! Hahahaha . . . . maybe NEVER!! There is simply too many things to be learned.
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