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The Host of 6 Souls

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Okay, so a while back some of you have read my pieces about Jonathan Rhys-Meyers (That Boy from Ireland!) and in it I mention that I watch one of his many movies called 6 Souls, and I said that it was made in heaven for me in a psychological way that I kind of in way - took it apart.  The movie was directed by MÃ¥ns MÃ¥rlind and Björn Stein with the gorgeous star Julianne Moore (I love her in the The Big Lebowski and Boogie Nights!).

Now before I could write this piece, I had to watch the movie 5 times because I did not get some of the scenes being that the first time watched it, I got scared the bejesus out of me with that whole thing that Johnny was doing with his characters.  See . . I don't watch nor do I care for scary movies so therefore every time I watched this movie I had all the lights on in the house, not to mention that I had a bat too.  Yeah, I am a scary cat and I will not even lie about that!

As I was watching the movie, from what I could understand of Moore's character, not only was she a sane but also a fearless bitch.  And according to this movie it look like Moore's character at times would wanted to pick up a bat to beat the shits out of JRM's character. (I know I did but I keep a bottle of Vodka even if it was empty next to my desk!)

There is a scene where Julianne's character takes Johnny's character back to the woods in a wheel chair, and Julianne turns her back for a moment to make a phone call, she return back to the Johnny and he is not there; and she was like "where in the hell did he go to?"  And out of no where Johnny's character walks up behinds her with a different personality.  See in that scene, my right hand would have came from Alabama with a custom made alligator rolling pin and would have went upside Johnny's head for scaring the bejesus and his other cousin out of me!

Now as I was watching this movie I came across somethings that would make most of you say "What the fuck!" First of all, there is a house in the movie and if I went into a house with its extremely nasty filthiness, I would turn my ass around and never came back.  Y'all, Mr Clean would beat my ass for even asking him to help to me clean that house then Mr. Clean would banned my ass for using his products in my own clean house.  That is just how bad it was according to the movie. To the set creators, good job on the house.

Towards the end of the movie, for me things started making sense about Jonathan's crazy ass characters because I was thinking this character here was just beyond bipolar.  Then I thought that well maybe his character was to have schizophrenia (Yes people I had to look this word up in the dictionary and it still does not register with me.)  But then, I started to remember one of my favorite Korean soap operas when the main male character was dealing DID.  Y'all when you watch the movie then you understand what he done DID.  He DID have a lot of souls and I counted 6 of them that he DID took for his own survival.

DID, dissociative identity disorder which is having a mental disorder on the dissociative spectrum characterized by the appearance of at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately control a person's behavior, accompanied by memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness.  (As I continue to keep reading this definition, I will be the first to admit that it was over my head!)  To put is in simple terms, he couldn't find one personality that he liked.

Y'all, I brought the movie from iTune and I think that the next time I watch better have me a virtual gun to kill the characters, not Johnny.  For Johnny, I have a belt to beat his ass with. . . .I don't know what the hell he was thinking.  That boy is lucky I am not his mother because I sure would beat the bejesus in him. LORD!

Y'all watch the movie, 6 Souls by y'all damn self.  (I am going to find me a bottle of Vodka!)


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