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What was the point!

So Sunday, June 7 my friend and I with his daughter went to the Circus Italy.  (For those of you who don't know what it is, it is a circus without animals and lots of tricks and water shows.)  It was small and intimate for the audience to get involve with some of the acts.  The music that they played were all Italian musicians from the violist group Bond to Andra Bocelli, (Yes I know about Andra Bocelli!) and this should not be surprising to some of you that I would know some of the artists and understand that majority of the audience would not know who these artists were at all.  However the case, the audience especially the children enjoyed the show. 

Now you know how you are sitting there enjoying the show and there is always that one or two persons that shout out obscene gestures to the acts on stage. First time that person say something you laugh at it.  The second time you are like okay.  Beyond that you are like okay enough, be quiet, and shut the hell up!  Don't you want to just slap that person for the continuous of that person's behavior at the show?  Like that person is really ruining the ambouis of the routine.  Then to make it worst they don't get the clue that everyone has stop laughing at your gestures and are most likely saying to themselves for you to shut up already!  it was not like nobody in the audience did not know where this person was sitting because one, the arena was small and two it was not a full house.  So shut already! 

Now if I was one of the performers and I heard those rude comments, I think I would want to that person to tell that person to shut the hell up! And knowing me I would probably shout out back at that person.  But come to think of it,  we all can not stand when someone makes rude comments while we are trying to enjoy a show.  Even if we are at the opera, the movie threater, a comedy show or whatever the show is about we can't stand hacklers.  Some of us would tell that person to shut the hell up and we all know that sometimes would lead to a big fight where police may get involved.  Ruining the show for almost everyone.  So not cool Mr. Heckler!

As it stand there are a lot of people who do not care to go out and be around crowds due to the rudeness of others.  Why can't we all get alone peacefully people!  We all want to have a good time and enjoy event.  There are too many things out there of us to do and we should be enjoying them without having that one or two persons ruining it for others. 

I do know about y'all, but I like meeting new people and getting to know what they like as we are sharing a beer or Saki bommer.


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