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Another Year with a Late Hello!!

Hello, no this isn’t Loinel Richie or Adele!

Happy Year New Everyone

Yeah, I know that I am late with publishing my first piece for the New Year.  In my defense, as soon as I got into 2017 I took off running with so many things to do.  I know I going thru January, I mean I saw the dates, I just could not recognizes them.  Sorry!! 

So I have not made New Year’s Resolutions!! Why??  Because I will break them within two weeks, however, I have set short term goals for this year.  I made a list:

ü  Finish school this year.  This is going to be harder that having a boyfriend.

ü  Create a new network of friends here is Dallas.  That would be easier than having a boyfriend.

ü  Find that company with that good paying position.  That would be better than having a boyfriend.

ü  Though for the past 3 years I have been saying that I am going to buy a car! I really need to do that this year, because this to would also be better that having a boyfriend. 

ü  Last year I think I travel twice.  This year I have decided to get away for 3-day weekends once a month somewhere is the different states.  Depending on where I am going, I might need to bring batteries because boyfriend cannot be included.

Though, the thought of taming the current Alpha male is both intriguing and boring, that I am keeping him a secret from the family, which brings a very big smile on my face every time I talk to him.  So when I told Auntie Do that I going away for a romantic gateway next month, she asked with whom?  I told her my pimp in training!  I think that is how I would like to spend this year, training my latest pimp
Torturing my mother more often is also include on my list of things to do.  Having that communication with my mother is the same as a drop signal regardless of what phone I used. 
I joined this organization called Dallas International to get out and see the city more.  We can contribute this to this none existing street smarts that I currently don’t have.
And before I forget, I need to get my storage down here because this girl here misses her dictionaries.  

Though I am still in that “What happen in 2016?” stage, I know what happen I just can’t believe some of the stupidity that took place in 2016.  My heart is crying for all those whom we have lost in 2016 and I am not just talking about celebrities like George Michaels and Prince, but all those who were homicide victims, those who died in terrorism acts, and those who died in natural cause of all sorts.   I think that 2016 was a heart breaking year of many of us.

So now we are in February, it is National Black History Month and Valentine’s Day coming.  It still amazes me that every year I, should I say we, get to learn new interesting facts about other African Americans who have also tribute to our society in one fashion or another.  At the same time, thisis one of those times where I like the fact that social media is spreading Black Month thru all means for everyone including those who are to the U.S.A. know the history.

I can only hope that for the rest of 2017 we all have a happy progressive year, in whatever areas that we need help in, get that help from those of us who understand what humanities are and from the Lord himself!


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